Case history: The Tower Companies
Ensuring employee success and well being
The Tower Companies is an award-winning real estate development company in Washington, D.C., where more than 50% of the executives and employees practice the TM technique as part of Tower’s company-sponsored wellness program. The following are some of their comments:

“These people may work for me, but what they have found is something that works for them—in the office and out of the office, in their professional life and in their personal life. With Transcendental Meditation, it’s hard to draw the line between personal and professional benefits. We offer TM because health insurance is not sufficient—it offers medical care only after the inevitable strain of life has become too much. We feel businesses should offer Transcendental Meditation out of compassion and as a way of offering genuine insurance—to ensure their employees’ success and well-being year after year.”
— Jeffrey Abramson, Partner, Tower Companies

“I was an aggressive Type A personality. There was no middle ground; it was my way. I have now been meditating for over a year, and now I find myself really thinking through situations, rather than reacting to situations—responding to comments, listening to people—which is a big difference.”
—Chris, Director of Property Management, The Tower Companies

“As an individual with a financial bent, I look at the time I put into my Transcendental Meditation as an investment in myself—like a stock whose value continues to appreciate over time while also paying a healthy dividend! It’s one of the best investments I’ve made!”
—Marnie Abramson, Principal and Director of Marketing, Tower Companies

“Some people bring negative energy and confrontation to my job. I use Transcendental Meditation to prepare for the day—to be positive when I have to deal with people. Meditating has also made me conscious of taking better care of my body.”
—Eric Harris, Chief Office-Building Engineer, Tower Companies

“I am a devout Catholic and I find that TM even gives me a better sense of my own religious beliefs. It makes me more aware. When I say my prayers, I can really think about what I’m saying because I have a broader mind. I have more clarity as to what exactly I’m saying and praying for.”
—Donna Nurmi, Office Building Facilities Manager, Tower Companies

“I am a highly energetic person with a lot of stress in my life. Transcendental Meditation has allowed me to take time out for myself, which has helped to reduce my high blood pressure and to improve my communication skills with others.”
—Marvin Atwell, Regional Facilities Manager, Tower Companies

“I have limitless goals—I can do anything without stress. It’s absolutely wonderful. Honestly, the way I feel, there’s absolutely nothing I can’t do. TM is the best thing I have ever done.”
—Jim Lewis, Chief Engineer, Tower Companies

“Practicing TM for the last 12 years has given me the ability to be patient, think more clearly, and provide better solutions on the job. But TM has also increased my awareness and appreciation of the world around me—most importantly the love I have for my family and true friends.”
—Chuck Wallach, Director of Leasing & Tenant Construction, Tower Companies

“As a working parent, I have found that TM has allowed me to be calmer and less irritable with my children. I have the ability to think before I overreact. As a result, we are able to spend more time enjoying each other’s company. It’s really a pleasure.”
—Linda Schoengold, Legal Assistant,Tower Companies

“TM has really helped me at home and at work. Now, a negative event doesn’t bother me like it used to. I’m able to think things through much better. My body and mind are stress free because meditating does not allow tension or negative energy to stick with me.”
—Jeffrey Lindsey, Engineer, Tower Companies